The Coalition
Mankind is divided among tens of thousands of disparate national or planetary governments. Most of those governments maintain a membership in The Human Coalition (HC). The HC, or just ‘The Coalition’, is responsible for:
Discovery: Searching for hospitable or near-hospitable planets. The Coalition pays well for verified news of such planets.
Development: Terraforming of near-hospitable planets into hospitable planets. Also, the removal of competing life on desirable planets.
Colonization: Facilitating the colonization of new worlds, including transportation and initial infrastructure. The willingness of colonists varies.
Defense: Defending humanity from competing alien life. Turns out, the galaxy is an incredibly hostile place.
Adjudication: Resolving conflict between human governments. We prefer diplomacy, but we don’t get called in when diplomacy is working.
The Coalition is subdivided into two primary Departments. Each Department has two Branches. The Coalition hierarchy:
Science, Engineering, and Intelligence (SEI) Department. SEI’s branches:
The Coats (i.e. Lab Coats) are responsible for the Research, Development, and Production of new technologies for the Coalition. They also handle terraforming operations.
The Spooks are responsible for the collection, analysis, and, when appropriate, dissemination of intelligence. Spooks may pull assets from other Branches as needed.
Space and Warfare (SaW) department. SaW’s branches:
The Aces are responsible for space-domain warfare, interstellar transportation, and fire support for “ground-side” operations. Generally, if something needs to be done from a cockpit, the Aces are in charge.
The Troopers are responsible for “boots on the ground” warfare. That includes small-arm, zero-gravity operations (such as boarding actions). Troopers also utilize armored vehicles, psionics, and cyberwarfare.