The Job Board
Available Jobs
Karth: Expires in 1 sessions. "A remote outpost, Karth is hitting hard times. A bug colony is rising out of the desert nearby and is threatening the mines. Karth is putting together a bounty for anyone who can help stomp out the bugs.
Calling all Coalition: Expires in 1 sessions. "Tired of living under the boot of civies that spit on you after all your service? Or that hate you for trying to drag them out of their own plight? Join us at Vunos in the frozen south. We're building a city for the Coalition, by the Coalition" -Richard Bishop, Trooper General
Past Jobs
Lost Tech: Complete. "Hey, I should mention... The place we found the original T-Drive at had other Precursor Tech. It was in a temple, of sorts. A group of Hameni protect it. They were angry when we took the drive, but they guarded something further in the temple with even more fervor... suicidal dedication. The company I used to work for (Space Unification Syndicate), doesn't have enough fire power to deal with that... but they'll probably sell location info soon to someone who does" -Dr(?) Miller. The Troopers explored the temple... where they discovered that SUS/Dr. Miller had butchered a tribe of the native Hameni (a few survived). As they explored, they were attacked by Xeiram (Sniper Rifle). Eventually they escaped, taking a few of the survivors with them to be employed by Tony (the mechanic). Dr. Miller they decided to keep as a closely watched researcher.
Session: 2.4 Date: 12 June 2024. PCS: Tiberius, Steve, Alex, Apple
Kidnapped Uncle!: Expired. "My uncle was kidnapped by 'Righteous Killer' (a La Luz General). I'll do anything to get him back! Money is no object!" -Lijuan "My uncle was spotted in Beggar's row by one of my people... but he fled as soon as his name was called. It's very unlike him!! Something isn't right, please help!" -Lijuan. Lijuan's uncle was not saved, Righteous Killer made a power move and has grown far more prominent in Beggar's Row. They say his raids have become unstoppable. -Nilson
Distant Signals: Complete. "An old SRC research station, supposedly abandoned after their fall, recently disgorged all escape pods and turned on a repeating distress signal. We need someone to go check it out". Captain Clancy Black of the SPF. The Troopers boarded the station, found out it was converted to a robot factory, discovered it was run by warden, and left after cutting a deal. Warden went unchecked.
Session: 2.3 Date: 5 June 2024. PCS: Mouse, Creet, Tiberius, Steve, Gurinder, Alex, Chewie
BUGS, BUGS, BUGGGGS: Expired. Some city workers in Beggar's Row were expanding the subway system when they stumbled into a shi... a previously dormant Bug Hive. -City News. The dormant hive spilled into the streets, the SPF with unexpected help from La Luz members, were able to eventually contain the breach. 5 officers, 7 La Luz, and 37 civilians died.
FTL, BABY!: Complete. "We did what everyone thought impossible! We've created an FLT Drive. We can escape the Praxis system and rejoin humanity! I just need some crew members to be on our test run. My company says hazard insurance is too high to use corporate employees..." -Dr. Holloway, Space Unification Syndicate. The Troopers met with Dr. Holloway and started the test. Instantly another Holloway appeared and shot Dr. Holloway. This set off a chain reaction of dimensional jumps (Woodpunk > Claustraphobia > Mirror Verse > Pet Time > Clone Party > Frostorium > Large Zone > Utopia > Flesh Ship > Nothing), duplicative cats, and comprehension headaches. They eventually arrived back in their own dimension, at the same moment they left. <Road Work, Hull Breach Volume 1 (Mother Ship)>
Session: 2.4 Date: 30 May 2024. PCS: Mouse, Creet, Tiberius, Apple
Smokin' Amethyst: Complete. "Everyone knows you do not piss off Fickle Reefurb, (a Teamsters Boss). Guess what Amethyst (Industrial Synth-Pop mega-star) did? He pissed off Fickle Reefurb. So now Amethyst is going to die. Fickle has put a huge bounty on his head, and every idiot with a gun is going after him." -Local Chatter The Troopers took the job, but then took an even higher paid job to protect Amethyst and kill Fickle's Girlfriend. Fickle is furious. <Amethyst Reign, Cy_Borg>
Session: 2.3 Date: 16 May 2024. PCS: Mouse, Samson III, Gurinder
Kill Weasel-Face: Complete, Weasel-Face DeFaced. <Dock 47, Cy_Borg>
Session: 2.2. Date: 09 May 24. PCs: Mouse, Apple, Chewie, Creet, Samson III.
Escape from the SRC Facility: Complete. Office workers for Solutions Unlimited Corporation (SUC) were drugged during a corporate pizza party and awoke in an SRC test chambers where many died. In the process, one of them (Twist) released and escaped with Xeiram, a horribly twisted human(?) monster who hates Troopers. The rest of the test subjects escaped the facility and were picked up by Nilson, who warned them SRC would want vengeance, but promised them safety among the Troopers. <Residue Processing, Hull Breach Volume 1 (Mother Ship)>
Session: 2.1. Date: 02 May 24. PCs: Level 0 Funnel: Timo (Mouse, Rhae, Brick, Lazlo); Michelle (Patty, Apple, Twist, Charlotte); Ryan (Alex, Jamie, Tristen, Terry), Jacob (Sheet, Craig, Sava, Clint). [Red = Dead, Green = Survived, Purple= MIA]