Friendly NPCs


Status: Alive

Faction: Troopers (Emperor's Creed)

Location: Neo-Austin

Notes: Platoon Leader of Emperor's Creed. Old as fuck, grizzled as hell. Keeps fighting because he wants to protect his own (Troopers) and at this point... well, he knows nothing else. 


Status: Alive. 

Faction: Troopers. Leader of the Revenant Platoon.

Location: Gateway City

Notes: Nilson originally was a member of the Emperor's Creed Platoon. During some time-travel shenanigans (see 1.29 in recaps) he saved the lives of 100+ Troopers destined to die by betrayal. After returning to the present, he became their leader. 

Lecia Foils

Status: Alive. 

Faction: None, friendly with SPF.

Location: Sparga High Port

Notes: Former Spargan Police Force (SPF), now working protection for a "Post Industrial Synth-Wave" super star, Amethyst. Lecia's combat style includes a fondness for her Auto-shotgun, and a hidden third arm.

She stays connected to her former SPF coworkers. She also took a liking to the Trooper, Mouse. 

Dr(?) Laurence Miller

Status: Alive. 

Faction: Troopers

Location: Neo-Austin

Notes: Originally joined the Troopers after helping the (now deceased) Dr. Holloway in a dimension jumping expirment. Has a knack for all things science and engineering, but changes the subject when asked about any sort of formal credentials. 

Joon "Tex" Seong

Status: Alive. 

Faction: Troopers

Location: Neo-Austin

Notes: Loves to fly and cowboy culture. Heavy accent + forced southern twang makes him hard to understand. Starts cursing in an unknown language when stressed but will claim only to speak english if asked.


Status: Alive. 

Faction: x

Location: x

Notes: x